Launch of the mymizu Government Alliance! 🚀


This Earth Day, we're excited to launch the "mymizu Government Alliance" with 5 municipalities across Japan, representing 1.8 million citizens! 🤝

Our inaugural members are:

  • 🏔️ Hakuba Village (Nagano)

  • 🚣‍♂️ Kameoka City (Kyoto)

  • ⚓ Kitakyushu City (Fukuoka)

  • 🌊 Omaezaki City (Shizuoka)

  • 🐬 Fukui Prefecture

Change always starts at the local level; which is why we're excited to work with these local governments to promote circularity, starting with eliminating plastic waste through our circular hydration platform.

With these new government partners, we’re co-creating cities where refilling is the norm, accelerating the shift toward a more sustainable society.

Together, we’re stronger.
Here's to more government partners joining the movement going forward! 🚀

mymizu Local Government Website:

my mizu